Rules and Regulations

Titles 2 (Agriculture) and 27 (Fish and Game) of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) are most relevant to feral swine.  Statutes (laws) are published in the O.C.G.A.  To implement statutes (laws), agencies are given the authority to publish rules.  The rules that govern feral hogs (feral swine) are published by the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) and can be found in GDA Rule 40-13-15 Transportation and Holding of Live Feral Hogs. 

It is illegal to release any trapped or transported live feral swine into any area that is not fenced to prevent escape of such feral swine. Any persons convicted of the release of live feral swine in violation of established laws and regulations may be subject to revocation of hunting privileges for up to three years. Transport and possession of feral swine are regulated by Georgia Department of Agriculture; contact the Animal Industry Division at 404-656-3671 for more information.

Relevant Statutes and Additional Considerations.